Hey love,
Where have you been hiding all this while?
Under the water? Inside the deep sea? Behind the moon?
Under the ground?
I see nothing except the beauty of you disappearing and leaving me nothing but a very sweet pain of the void you left me..!
The petals looking towards the sun, not asking anything but just seeking the light with so much love..
The sun showering so much brightness and light into the flowers not saying anything but just silently and relentlessly sun kissing them with so much warmth..!
A petal can be soft, but not as soft as a feather..!!
There is always someone who is weaker than you,
There is someone who would be burnt by now,
There is someone who would be in ashes by now,
There is someone who would have burnt themselves..!!
Same situation, different stories..
Some of them weaker than you,
Some of them stronger than you..
Stay calm, deal with it..!!
This too shall pass..!!
Oh butterfly,
Little do you know about how dangerous people can be..
Oh butterfly,
Little do you know about how easily they can crush you..
Oh butterfly,
Little do you know about how what could happen the very next moment..
Oh butterfly,
Don't you worry..
It's not that bad here..!!
The air around you, the people around you, the vibe around you is just scared of everything and everyone just like you..!
Inspite of all this, all I learned from you, is to Fly high like you in flying colours 🕊❤
I see the sun, he warms me up
I see the moon, he lights me up
I see the stars, they cheer me up
I see the clouds, they make me feel stronger
I see the rainbow, It colours me up
I see the mountains, they make me feel high
I see the waves, I hide and they seek
I see the trees, they blow me up
I see the water, they let me flow
Everything In this nature I see, makes me happier and happiest ❤
How different are you and me? Frankly, not much..!!
One of you is old, one of you is extremely pretty, one of you is strong, one of you is fragile, one of you is happy, one of you is something else.
We belong to the same bunch, just that we look a little different with a pinch of different tastes and priorities.
Let your heart burst out every pain you've been through..!!
Let your words burst out every guilt you've been through..!
Let your anger burst out every hidden suffocation you've been through. !!
Let it out my love,
Let everything out..!!
You and me, deserve all good things in life and good things come to us only when the bad is gone..!!
Oh my Universe,
How do I even thank you?
Where do I even start?
Everything exceptionally beautiful is made my YOU..!!
Thank you, for loving me so unconditionally no matter what I do in life or where I go in life..!!
Let me be the universe, within myself and also to my loved ones..!!
Just as pure as you, as giving as you, as unconditional as you..!!
Holding the clouds tight in my arms,
Feels like Soft cotton candy.
Hiding the crescent moon in my palms,
Feels like the whole universe fits into it..
The beauty of the universe is that it is never ending..
Somebody who thinks about it,
Somebody who writes about it,
Somebody who loves it,
Somebody who feels about it,
It is limitless..!!
And how beautiful and unfair is it for all those beautiful things to be limitless..
Beautiful because of the obvious reasons,
Unfair because we are limited in every single way..!!!
Just like the body which is supposed to be a compilation dust particles..
How would it be if your hands could produce beautiful plants and flowers..
Each person would be each flower and nature would be US..
As much as it sounds weird, why isn't it weird that we dont value or get excited about ourselves as much as we get excited when we see a beautiful flower or something extremely beautiful in the nature?
Just that we take ourselves for granted..!!
Cheers to the miracle we already are
My dear Universe,
Let your power heal people,
Let your power make them believe in miracles,
Let your power give them happy tears,
Let your power restart their life with lots of confidence,
Let your power show them the light,
Let your power make them go through their hurdles without giving up,
Let your power do magic in their lives,
Let your power give courage to all those who need it,
Let the power be there right around them to protect them,
Let the power to everything that would make a human happy, peaceful and content..!!
And did I tell you?
You are the best ❤
Let me dream - As it is going to be true,
Let me heal - As I'm going be the happiest ever..!!
Let me dream - As it's the only thing I'd ever want to do in life,
Let me heal - As I don't have to look back ever after..!!
Let me dream - As no body's watching,
Let me heal - As my soul would be dancing..!!
Amaze me,
Astonish me,
Wandering in those clouds, I would love you and you dont have to love me back
Understand me,
Comfort me,
Searching for peace, I would send you as much power as I can beacuse I love you too much..!
Teach me,
Educate me,
Getting lost in your beauty, I would do anything to become a part of you..!!
I'll drive back and forth for the next ten thousand years just to kiss you good night ❤

A little girl,
Knows nothing about people and life,
All she knows is that she is loved and protected..!!
I let her start her journey,
She started with a beautiful bunch of flowers on her bicycle,
Singing her favourite song,
With her hair dancing in the wind,
And the breeze hitting her slightly on her innocent face happy and fresh just like the bunch of flowers she is carrying..!!
Oh god, let her be that..!!
Do not teach her any lessons, let her be ignorant, let her live that way, let her die that way..!!
Let her enjoy her ride..!!
She is sensitive,
But she is going to be strong some day..
She is crying,
But she is going to be happy some day..
She is scared,
But she is going to be fierce some day..
She is guilty,
Bit she is going to be free from It some day..
She is helpless,
But she will be the light for someone else someday..
She is everything she should'nt be,
But she will be everything she wants to be some day..!!
Let her grieve in silence, she will come back and light up the whole world..!!
Some day..!!!
Give me the strength to live,
Give me the strength to breathe,
Give me the strength to get up,
And run as fast as I can along with enjoying my journey..
Give me the strength to love,
Give me the strength to laugh,
Give me the strength to be unconditional,
As much as I can along with loving myself truly..
Give me the strength to fight,
Give me the strength to question,
Give me the strength to say NO,
As long as I can along with being reasonably chill..
Ou wait, who am I even asking?
May be myself, because I am the universe and the only person I need to validate or question is myself and nobody else..! ðŸŒ
On this fancy journey,
I would be wearing flowery shoes,
Super glossy lip liner,
Weird shaped sunglasses,
A short floral frock,
And if you have a problem,
Talk to my hand..
Oh wait, my hand is busy doing something that you wouldn't want to mess around with..🤷♀️👊
"We are all bad in someone's story"
It's okay to be bad (soemtimes),
It's not okay to be bad to yourself.
It's okay to be sad,
It's not okay to be sad all alone for a long time.
It's okay to be stressed about it,
It's not okay to be stressed about something you cannot change..!!
It's okay to be fine with it,
It's not okay if that hits your self respect.
It's okay to be guilty about it,
It's not okay to let someone makes you guilty for their mistakes..!!
It's okay to be everything they wouldn't want you to be. !!
End of the day,
You rule your life..!!
Striking a balance is everything ❤
I do not want to be
A prisoner of the past,
I want to be
A free bird who is living in the present..!!
I do not want to be an over enthusiast about the future,
I want to be that innocent girl just enjoying this moment..!!
I do not want to be scared of this moment either,
I want to sit there gazing at this very scene and admire the universe as I always do ❤

Nights are love,
Nights are beauty,
Nights are rich dark,
Nights are to cry,
Nights are to scream at a party,
Nights are long,
Nights are dreamy..!!
Nothing is as beautiful as a night with a pinch of colour splash..!!
Life is sorted ðŸŒ

Flowers, books, and music are the most beautiful..!!
Put together comes out a beautiful song,
Put away from each other still work fine..!!
I choose to be each one of them,
One at a time,
A flower when I feel sensitive yet strong
A book when I feel content and full
A musical tune when I feel happy and content..
Let me be whatever I want to be,
Because life is too short to be something simple and stupid..
I would want to be deeper than the person I was yesterday, because in the end I would dig myself into a happy tunnel singing my favourite songs, writing my own songs and planting my favourite flowers..!
I will never be tired of reading books or smelling flowers.
Probably two of those very precious things that will take into some other world.
I will never be tired of travelling or living,
Probably two of those very rare acts that that are very underrated..!!
Driving and diving into a very special zone that has me and only me..!!
Loving and laughing from the bottom of my heart, but this time my heart sees you and only you..!! 🕊

God has created beauty in all forms,
All shapes, all sizes, all colours..!!
Not fair, you gave us just two eyes to see them
Fair, you gave a memory to lock it down
Not fair, you gave us just two legs to travel the whole world
Fair, you gave us imagination without boundaries
Not fair, you gave us just two hands to hold the whole universe in our arms
Fair, you gave us beautiful hearts to cherish the beauty forever
Not fair, you gave us no means to communicate or tell you how amazing you are
Fair, you gave us intelligence to write it down and pray from the bottom of our hearts to thank you for everything you've done..!!
How do clouds sound like?
How to stars taste like?
How does the touch if the moon feel like?
How does the air look like?
How can I not admire you for all the wrong reasons, and how can I simply love you for the right reasons..??
All I know in life is to be happy,
I talk to these pretty animals,
I walk on the grass barefoot,
I jump when it's winter,
I laugh my heart out,
I let me raindrops sprinkle of my face,
I eat the apple right out of the tree,
I dont have a single reason to be unhappy because god has been loving me In every way..!
Take my soul,
Far far away ❤
Far away from the noises of the city,
To somewhere that my soul can dance with joy.
But wait,
Dont just put me there,
Take me through it..!!
Let me enjoy the journey,
I would sit comfortably in my chair,
Peep through my window,
See the orange skies,
See the little stars winking at me,
See the breeze making me feel loved,
See everything that connects to my soul,
And let the journey be soooo long that I never have to come back here..!!
Living the best of my life,
Letting the vibe sink into my nerves..!!
Seeing the best of the consequences,
Letting my love spread the most..!!
I've learnt,
I've realised,
I've been worried,
I've still been happy..!!
I've struggled,
I've cried,
I've been suffocated,
I've still loved unconditionally..!!
This is the beauty of life my darling,
You cry and laugh at your best moments In life..
Life is a journey of both 🖤
As someone rightly said,
"The purpose of a soul is flow freely"
I let it flow, I let it fly
Just beacuse it makes me immensely happy and I can actually feel the bottom of my heart..!
I let it jump, I let it scream
Just because it brings out the best in me and I actually go just where the air takes me..!
I let it go, I let it come
Just because the world resonates with me when i actually believe that nature is something i surrender myself to..!!!
Soul and nature and two greatest things ever in and after life..!!
These are some of my most favourite scribbles,
Do share your scribbles too..!!
Thank You for reading,
Always happy and a Universe lover,